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Sec1 Notifications

In the digital landscape, staying informed about the latest security threats is not just necessary, it’s imperative. offers notifications on emerging vulnerabilities so you can take immediate action to safeguard your systems. With our seamless notification subscription service, you can rest assured that you’re always one step ahead.

Choose Your Channel

Everyone has a preferred way of receiving updates, which is why we offer multiple channels for you to choose from. Get real-time vulnerability notifications through:

Our notification service is tailored to deliver alerts for CRITICAL and HIGH vulnerabilities, ensuring you prioritize the most important threats to your security. Sign up today to stay ahead of emerging risks!

Email Notification Settings

Receive important vulnerability alerts directly in your inbox

Slack Notification Settings

Stay informed with vulnerability notifications delivered to your Slack workspace.

Create Webhook URL
To integrate Scopy with Slack and create an Incoming Webhook, follow the link below:
How to Create Incoming Webhooks
Microsoft Teams Notification Settings

Get vulnerability alerts right in your Teams channels.

Create Webhook URL
To create an Incoming Webhook on Microsoft Teams, follow the below link:
How to Create Incoming Webhooks