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Introducing CVEConnect

Unlock Vulnerability Insights with Our API

Empower your security teams with real-time vulnerability data.

Free Trial

CVEConnect Capabilities

CVEConnect’s comprehensive CVE/Vulnerability Database API provides your organization with real-time vulnerability data, ensuring you’re prepared to defend against the latest threats in today’s digital landscape.

Real-time Data Access

Get instant access to up-to-date vulnerability data across your applications.

Comprehensive Coverage

Covers all major vulnerability types, including OWASP Top 10.

Customizable Queries

Tailor the API requests to match your specific security needs.


Handles large volumes of data, suitable for enterprises of any size.

What we have achieved

Proven Performance in Numbers

Vulnerabilities Identified

Leveraged by top organizations globally.


Ensuring uninterrupted access to critical data.

Response Time

Lightning-fast data retrieval to keep your operations running smoothly.

Stary Your CVEConnect Journey

Select Your Plan

Let's Talk


  • 100 API Calls /month
  • Basic vulnerability details
  • Email support
  • Access to weekly vulnerability reports
  • Integration support for Slack, Jira, Teams, etc.
$0/month * No Credit Card Required
Free Trial 30 days free trial


  • 100 API Calls /month
  • Basic vulnerability details
  • Email support
  • Access to weekly vulnerability reports
  • Integration support for Slack, Jira, Teams, etc.


  • 1,000 API Calls /month
  • Detailed vulnerability information
  • Priority email support
  • Access to weekly vulnerability reports
  • Integration support for Slack, Jira, Teams, etc.


  • Unlimited API Calls
  • Real-time vulnerability updates
  • Dedicated support
  • Access to weekly vulnerability reports
  • Integration support for Slack, Jira, Teams, etc.
Contact Sales

The process

How to Use Our Vulnerability API

Get Your Sec1 API Key

Sign up and obtain your Sec1 API key in minutes. You can follow documentation to generate Sec1 API Key.

Integrate with Your System

Use our detailed documentation to integrate the API with your tools. Follow the step-by-step guide to ensure seamless integration.

Make Your First API Call

Access example requests and responses to get started quickly. Utilize the provided examples below to make your first API call effortlessly.

Code Example

Make Your First API Call

Get started quickly with our Vulnerability API using the following example

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class CVEApiClient {
    private static final String API_URL = "";
    private static final String API_KEY = "[your-generated-api-key]"; // Replace with your actual API key

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String payload = "{\"cveIdList\": [\"CVE-2021-44228\",\"CVE-2023-38408\"]}";

        HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
        HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
                .header("sec1-api-key", API_KEY)

        CompletableFuture<String> responseFuture = client.sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString())

                .exceptionally(e -> {
                    System.err.println("An error occurred: " + e.getMessage());
                    return null;
import requests

# Define the API endpoint and headers
url = ""
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "sec1-api-key": "[your-generated-api-key]"        # Optional, replace with actual API key

# Define the payload
payload = {
    "cveIdList": ["CVE-2021-44228", "CVE-2023-38408"]

# Send the POST request
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)

# Check the response
if response.status_code == 200:
    print("CVE Details Retrieved Successfully")
    print(f"Failed to retrieve CVE details. Status code: {response.status_code}")
const axios = require('axios');
// Define the API endpoint and headers
const url = '';
const headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'sec1-api-key': '[your-generated-api-key]'       // Optional, replace with actual API key
// Define the payload
const payload = {
  cveIdList: ["CVE-2021-44228", "CVE-2023-38408"]
// Send the POST request, payload, { headers })
  .then(response => {
    console.log('CVE Details Retrieved Successfully');
  .catch(error => {
    console.error(`Failed to retrieve CVE details. Status code: ${error.response.status}`);

View Full Documentation

Unlock the full potential of our API. Follow our comprehensive guide to ensure a seamless integration.

View Full Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

CVEConnect is a service that provides an API for accessing detailed information about vulnerabilities. It enables users to retrieve, search, and analyze vulnerability data programmatically.

With CVEConnect, you can access various details about vulnerabilities including:

  • CVE ID
  • Description
  • Severity score
  • Affected products and versions
  • References and links to related resources
  • Published and last modified dates

To get started, you need to:

  • Sign Up for an account on the Sec1 Portal.
  • Obtain an API key from your account dashboard.
  • Refer to our CVEConnect API Documentation for detailed instructions on how to use the API endpoints.

CVEConnect offers both free and paid plans. The free plan provides limited access to the API, while paid plans offer higher usage limits and additional features. Please visit our Pricing Page for more details.

Rate limits vary depending on your subscription plan. Free plans have a lower rate limit compared to paid plans. Detailed information on rate limits can be found in our API documentation and on your account dashboard.

API requests must include the Sec1 API key in the request headers. This key is provided upon account registration and can be managed through your account dashboard.

Yes, CVEConnect can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. Ensure that you comply with our Terms And Conditions.

API responses are provided in JSON format. This allows easy integration with most programming languages and tools.

Vulnerability data in CVEConnect is updated regularly to reflect the latest information from the CVE database. Updates are generally made on a daily basis.

Yes, the CVEConnect API supports various search parameters such as CVE ID, keyword, severity, and date ranges. Detailed search options are outlined in the API documentation.

For support, please contact our support team at

Yes, we offer a trial period for new users to test the API and explore its features. You can sign up for a trial on our website and use the trial API key to experiment with the service.

To cancel your subscription, please contact our support team at