Introducing Sec1 ProSAST Identify and fix vulnerabilities in your codebase before they become a threat. Identifies vulnerabilities early in development, enabling quick, cost-effective fixes before production. Analyzes 30+ languages with specific rules, including Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, and more. Integrates with development tools and CI/CD pipelines, automating security testing in your workflow. Allows marking and tracking of false positives, enhancing accuracy and reducing time on non-issues. Categorizes vulnerabilities by severity, focusing efforts on the most critical issues. Offers AI-powered recommendations for efficient vulnerability understanding and fixing. Languages Supported Vulnerability Detection Accuracy Reduction in False Positives Uptime Get in touch for a personalized demo and see how Sast Scanner can protect your digital assets. Secure Your Code from the Start
Features & Capabilities
Early detection
Comprehensive Language Support
Seamless Integration
False positive management
AI-Driven Remediation
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